Quantum StorNext Solves Workflow Bottlenecks

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StorNext Solves Workflow Bottlenecks

Begun in 1965 to air 15-minute radio segments, Amazing Facts has grown into one of the US’ largest religious broadcast ministries, airing content over more than 150 radio stations and a variety of over-the-air, cable, and satellite television platforms. A constant challenge has been updating infrastructure to keep up with, and take advantage of, changing technology.

One of the issue Amazing Facts encountered was data volume. “When we record a service, we use five cameras to give us maximum flexibility and impact,” says Shamakoski, “and the result is that a typical hour-long program uses about half a terabyte of disk space.” The storage filled up quickly and additional disk resources were expensive.”

Also difficult was accessing older content from manually created LTO tapes. Shamakoski remembers, “we dedicated a part-time admin just to manage the archiving operation. It consumed 20 to 30 hours a week, and even then, it took us days to retrieve content to repurpose.”

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