The OMP platform (Operation Management Platform) is a lightweight, aggregate-type, intelligent operations management platform that has been designed and developed by Cloudwise.

Host Management

The OMP platform incorporates and manages all host resources, providing real-time monitoring of the host's running status and enabling online management of these resources.

Application Management

Provides commonly used basic components, application services, and standard-compliant self-developed products; supports installation and deployment, change and publish, flexible scalability, online configuration optimisation and other service status management.

Application Monitoring

Provides monitoring to a variety of service scenarios, including standard monitoring, customised monitoring, link monitoring, and intelligent monitoring; Capable of predicting future trends through big data intelligent calculation, thus providing early warning and eliminating abnormalities before they occur.

Fault Self-healing

In the event any abnormalities or failures in the service system, troubleshooting can be carried out as per predefined self-healing policy, decreasing the impact of failures on business and reducing enterprise losses.

Status Inspection

Generate periodic summaries of service indicators and running status and receive automated reports upon request.


Talk to Us

Contact us using the information below. We’ll respond promptly to your inquiries and feedback

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