Modernize Healthcare IT with Citrix

Enabling more flexible IT management models and adapting to growing healthcare needs for off-site clinics, telehealth support, and secure patient record sharing.

The healthcare industry has long been overburdened by slow-moving innovation. The complexity of the medical ecosystem may be the principal reason for this but the hesitancy to adopt new technology remains a barrier to the modernization of healthcare IT.

After all, it’s a highly regulated industry where a simple issue with availability, security, or compliance can turn into a costly lawsuit. If any system stops working, this could lead to critical life-and-death scenarios in many healthcare environments.

Traditional IT has been the business as usual until the pandemic broke out and enforced a paradigm shift even for the most change-averse environments such as the health care industry.

Healthcare challenges in the new normal:

  • IT must facilitate doing more with less, with healthcare having 6.0% fewer employees in the workforce now than before the pandemic.
  • Data privacy has been a growing compliance concern as telemedicine becomes the mainstream for remote patient care.
  • Healthcare IT goals have been accelerated: linking patient records, driving interoperability, ensuring cybersecurity, and overseeing accuracy of patient data.
  • The new digital health agenda focuses on developing virtual care, handling financial impact of COVID-19 and implementing resilient technology to deal with unforeseen circumstances.
  • Accommodating clinicians, non-clinical staff, IT, administrators and other staff.
  • Alleviating technology worries for clinicians so they can spend more time with patients.
  • Securely enabling work on any device and any network at any time for clinicians and support staff.
  • Working with tight budgets and conservative industry norms.
  • Managing M&As, disparate EMRs, legacy apps.

Address these concerns with Citrix Solutions


Citrix replaces point products with a solution that delivers secure:

  • Access to apps and data of all types
  • Zero trust security
  • VPN-less access and MFA
  • Browsing access and SaaS
  • Protection that is transparent to users
  • Policy setting to govern access

Flexible IT management models

Citrix works well in hybrid
and cloud environments for:

  • Cloud/device-agnostic computing
  • M&A onboarding and scaling
  • Cloud enables 3P or on-site IT management
  • Management DR needs
  • Remote upgrades and fixes
  • Allows total visibility of digital environment

Tools for a great clinician experience

Citrix makes it easier for clinicians to spend more time with patients.

It alleviates clutter for on-clinical employees with:

  • An intuitive dashboard
  • Support for roaming and resuming sessions
  • Intelligent capabilities to streamline workflows
  • Speciality healthcare functionality (Citrix Water - marking and Casting).

Healthcare-specific functionality

Citrix adapts to changing healthcare needs:

  • Superior SD-WAN for off-site clinic
  • Support for telehealth
  • Secure collaboration and file sharing
  • Great remote 3D imaging quality
  • Access to legacy apps
  • Platform-of-choice of many EMRs
  • Stringet security
The time we’re able to give back to physicians and the distractions we’ve been able to eliminate by employing Citrix virtualization solutions has led to happier doctors and improved patient care.….”

David Brim

Director of Enterprise Systems SCL Health

Inquire Now

Download the whitepaper to know about the healthcare systems trends in a post-pandemic world and how Citrix workspace and cloud solutions support digital transformation for hospitals and health systems.

Healthcare Systems In A Post Pandemic World - White Paper
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