Easy to sell pre-defined and pre-packaged services
HPE Pointnext Services are easy for you to sell and for your customers to buy with their HPE solutions. These services align with HPE server, networking, and storage products.
Customers who purchase these services may be more likely to continue with support, and you can more easily keep track of their support lifecycle and re-engage before expiration to extend fixed (volume) services with post-warranty offerings and convert flexible services into contractual services.
HPE Post Warranty Support services—Sold after product sale, these services extend coverage for products with existing warranty or Fixed Support Services (expiring within three months).
Fixed Support Services—Sold at the time of product sale, these services are non-configurable for a single device.
Flexible Support Services—Sold at the time of product sale, these services are configurable across one or more devices.
Get started here:
Find the right services: Find appropriate services for the products you are proposing and selling, determine if they are available in your country, access the local datasheet, and understand local pricing.
Register and activate services: After your customer has purchased HPE Pointnext Services, you can help them register and activate them. Make assignment and registration standard practice to receive complete reports of expiring services. This reported information enables you to take sales action for development of long-term relationships and sales of follow-on services and product refresh.
With the ever-changing demands of the industry, we are constantly in search of the right partners to help businesses grow and reach its full potential. Become a partner now! Fill out the form below and we’ll send you the Dealer Application Form.